Pitfalls of construction work: when it jams and then craftsmen leave
09 / 10 / 2020
In this article, we focus on typical organizational difficulties regarding the implementation of interiors.
Starting construction work and subsequent furnishing of the interior means that various groups of subcontractors work on several tens or hundreds of square meters. Watermen, gasmen, electricians, plasterers, tilers and many others. Some craftsmen never meet physically, others work almost in parallel. And most importantly - they follow each other. In the end, once carpenters start to focus on production space, they need a flawlessly made fit out. But what if something went wrong somewhere along the way? Learn what you may encounter and why.
Time schedule exceeded
There can be many reasons for the delay. Insufficient competence on the part of the selected subcontractor or external factors such as traffic and other situations due to which the material does not arrive on time. A common cause is a poor estimation of capacity on the part of the supplier. It happens that companies overestimate their own strength and do not adhere to the work schedule due to the lack of craftsmen. If any of these situations occur in the initial stages, everything will be delayed.
Implementation Victoriano tailor shop, Prague
"In the past, as a realization company, we had a contract where the investor redistributed the construction work himself. Among other things, he chose his own electricians, but they were running late and then all the rest of work was delayed. In the end, the completion of the project was postponed by weeks, " recalls Patrik Cirbus, project manager at PREMIER interiors. "Just to give you an idea, in practice it looks like one profession has to finish its part by Friday, for example, so that another team can start on Monday. If they're late, the others have nothing to do. They starting doing another job and come back in a week, for example, because their program is full, "he describes.
Chaos in the workplace
Coordination of activities is extremely important regarding implementation and it requires enough experience. It is necessary to communicate with craftsmen, supervise the activities, materials and solve problems that may arise on the spot.
Even the smallest detail can affect the final look
"It may happen that you, for example, are approached by an airman saying that he cannot run the pipes as the project suggests. So the supervisor must immediately address this across all stakeholders (designer, architect, client) and pass on the subsequent solution to all subsequent groups. If you don't do it right away, implementation may stop. If you do it wrong, the pipe in another position can affect other professions and collide with lighting, for example, which will not be in the position illuminating the interior element. At that moment, you start to deviate from the architectural design, "says Patrik Cirbus.
Liability for defects
Scratched kitchen unit, scratched windows, broken handle. If there are more independent subcontractors moving around the workplace, it is more difficult for the investor to resolve liability for defects. Each company will supply only its part and it is problematic to prove at what stage the problem occurred - was it done during the installation, or was the corner chipped by any of the following groups teams working on the project?
The best way to avoid these surprises is to choose one general supplier. "When you work with a realization company, you have a partner in it who coordinates everything together and is able to connect all professions. This means a minimum of problems for the investor. In addition, the advantage of established companies is that we have our own proven craftsmen. We know that they are skilful and that we can rely on them. We look after everything, because we are the ones who are responsible. In the final, we hand over the interior as a whole, so we must know that everything is painted, that nothing is broken or scratched, " adds Martin Kameník, owner of PREMIER interiors.
Interior of Victoriano tailor shop, Prague
So what is the final recommendation? Experienced supervision is crucial. "Realization of interiors and its organization is a demanding process. We recommend investors to hire quality professionals. It is not enough just to keep the deadlines in mind in order to hand work over on time. First and foremost, you need to have a professional subcontractor. Then it is important to be able to talk to them, anticipate problems and prevent them. This way you will avoid a number of troubles, "says Patrik Cirbus.
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